Guest Post: America Works (On Misleading the Public)The following was originally posted to the Commonwealth Foundation‘s blog on July 13, 2015 by Bob Dick and Nathan Benefield. Although posted more than a month ago, this information is still extremely relevant and worth sharing.You can follow the Commonwealth Foundation on Twitter at @Liberty4PA.——-America Works USA, an affiliate of the union-funded Democratic Governors Association, recently launched an ad campaign in support of Gov. Wolf’s effort to raise taxes on middle- and low-income peopleThe group, bolstered by a war chest of at least $500,000, took to the airwaves with radio and TV ads slamming the Republican budget and touting Gov. Wolf’s budget as a practical alternative. Regrettably, the ads are chock-full of misinformation. Although the ads aren’t very long, we identified seven erroneous claims, each of which are corrected below.Claim #1: The Republicans’ budget lets oil and gas drillers “of the hook.”R
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