Our friends at Marcellus Drilling News (www.marcellusdrilling.com ) reported a new phenomenon in the oil and gas industry “virtual pipelines.” MDN had found that a paper mill in upstate New York converted to natural gas and could net get it from a pipeline so it decided to have compressed natural gas (CNG) trucked in, hence the birth of a virtual pipeline. What does a virtual pipeline mean to the environment? The more fossil fuels will be used to haul the CNG to the plant. Then there is the every present danger of truck hauling CNG on the highways and local roads. Life would be so much better and safer if the pipelines would get built. MDN further reported that on the heels of the paper mill announcement it found a second virtual pipeline announcement. A company based in Florida called Pentagon Energy announces they’ve just scored their first contract–in the Marcellus Shale–to build a CNG “Mother Station” (think central hub) that will truck 2.5 billion cubic feet
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