Nationally the media is telling us how the downturn in oil & gas production has effective the markets globally resulting in layoffs of the workforce. In Midland TX the Sunday Morning show interviewed a gentleman who has worked in the industry for 20 yours. He said ‘….I’m used to the cycle of drilling the ups and downs- but this time is longer than before’. He lives in a modest three bedroom house with his wife and two kids; his wife is a stay at home mom, a two car family with one being his two year old truck. Now this is more than a truck, it’s his office too. Like many of you, he traveled for hours a day in his truck with safety manuals, tools, colleagues, and food and drink. When asked ‘if the industry is so unpredictable why not change professions?’ Without hesitation he replied, ‘ I love what I do. Overall it’s been good to me and my family’. How can you argue with that? But this may answer a question I’ve had for years – Why does the industry al
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