Tom Shepstone
Shepstone Management Company, Inc.
Inside Climate News is a Rockefeller outfit, financed by the family trust-funders to embolden spoiled child fractivists, their trespassing and their antics.
Inside Climate News was created by Rockefeller family shills with Rockefeller family money and it does their dirty work. Like Bill McKibben, another toady for the family, the folks at the on-line journal have a not-so-subtle fascination with trespassing, violence and other spoiled child fractivist antics.
An article last week by serial protester type Nicholas Kusnetz entitled “How Energy Companies and Allies Are Turning the Law Against Protesters” illustrates. It’s a 4,000+ word idolization of the attention-starved kids who never grew up and arrogantly demand the right to trespass on the land and rights of others under the theory they know it all and anyone who disagrees is both dumb and evil. They even got the ever politically correct Washington Post to run with a version.
Fascist DAPL protesters – note the masks of most who don’t want to be identifiable lest they be punished for their faux civil disobedience
What’s especially revolting about this Inside Climate News piece is the attitude of entitlement it assumes on behalf of the spoiled child fractivists. Take this, for example (emphasis added):
Some pipeline opponents have conducted dangerous and illegal stunts, cutting pipelines with oxyacetylene torches or closing valves. But most protests have been peaceful. If they’ve broken laws by trespassing, activists say, they’ve done so as part of a tradition of civil disobedience that stretches to the nation’s colonial roots.
“All of the social progress we’ve made has depended, over the entire history of this nation, from the very beginning, on that ability to speak out against things that are wrong, things that are legal but should not be,” said Carroll Muffett, president of the Center for International Environmental Law. “This country, for all its failing, has long respected the importance of that. These bills put that fundamental element of our democracy in jeopardy.”
Get that? Trespassing is in the tradition of civil disobedience and, therefore, shouldn’t be illegal, they say, especially in such a miserable failed democracy as the U.S. There, in a nutshell, exposed for all to see is the mind of the entitled fractivist, who, by the way, hasn’t a clue what civil disobedience really is. Here’s the traditional definition:
A symbolic, non-violent violation of the law, done deliberately in protest against some form of perceived injustice. Meredissent, protest, or disobedience of the law does not qualify. The act must be nonviolent, open and visible, illegal, performedfor the moral purpose of protesting an injustice, and done with the expectation of being punished.
It’s by accepting the punishment that you prove your commitment to a cause and demonstrate how important it is to correct an injustice. But these spoiled child fractivists suppose they are entitled to violate the laws without the punishment. They want the glory without the pain. They’re convinced they’re of superior mind and morality, so they have the right to impose their will, trespass on anyone’s property and do whatever the hell they want without interference from property owners or those charged with the obligation to protect their property. It is quintessential fractivism; childish to the core.
And, if you think that’s the worst of it, here’s what Inside Climate News cites as example of “a broader effort to recast environmental activists as criminals, even terrorists” if you can believe it:
In May 2017, the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers published a blog post about activists who vandalized pipelines, under the headline: “Pipelines Are Critical Infrastructure—and Attacking Them Is Terrorism.”
First, they admit acts of vandalizing pipelines amount to “dangerous and illegal stunts” and then, a few paragraphs later, they tell us how awful it that the oil and gas industry would dare to call it terrorism. Doing so they give away the game; one of winking and nodding as they tell us how opposed they are to vandalism via oxyacetylene torches.
Read the whole story to understand what’s going on. The Rockefeller family is behind Inside Climate News and it, too, is giving everyone the wink and the nod to indicate breaking the law to advance its special interests is just fine. Of course, no Rockefeller family will be arrested. No, the spoiled child fractivists who are being told they’re entitled to break laws without consequences will get arrested and scream like pigs. That’s the idea, after all.
The post The Arrogant Spoiled Child Fractivists Purchased by America’s Elites appeared first on Natural Gas Now.
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