Tom Shepstone
Shepstone Management Company, Inc.
Natural Gas NOW readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. As usual, emphasis is added.
Texans for Natural Gas Celebrate, As Should We All
Texans get it. And, Texans for Natural Gas really get it. They put a holiday celebration piece that should bring cheer to all. Here are some of the 2018 happenings to which they raised a glass:
- Two months into 2018 and the United States was breaking production records left and right. Our environment was doing great too! By the beginning of March the United States had already met our 2025 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reduction goal, thanks to increased natural gas use.
- With liquefied natural gas (LNG) helping
to make America a net exporter of natural gas for the first time in 60 years in January, a study released in April showed the massive economic benefits of increased LNG exports. According to the ICF study, “the cumulative contribution to US economic growth from the addition of more LNG plants will range from $716 billion to $1.267 trillion between 2013 and 2050″ and also projected “2-3.9 million job-years from US LNG plants during that period.”
- A review of the federal data showed that U.S. methane emission levels from associated gas venting and flaring during petroleum production declined 17 percent between 2013 and 2016, even as domestic oil production increased by 19 percent.
- U.S. oil exports hit a record high in September, supported by the United States becoming the world’s largest oil producer that same month .
- In October, federal data showed that the United States would account for half of global oil production growth by 2025 . That’s great news for us, but not for OPEC, as the Daily Caller reported that “ooming U.S. oil production is wreaking havoc on the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries’ (OPEC) influence on the international market.
Those Texans know how to have a good time!
What the DRBC Is Learning That Isn’t True
Perusing material for a post the other day, I came across the following slide from a presentation to the DRBC earlier this year by the Philadelphia Water Department:
Notice the warning at the top about republishing without permission. This is a presentation given by one government entity to another and published on a government website for the whole world to see, but they want my permission to share it? Why?
Perhaps it’s the ridiculous projection that sea levels which have risen 0.64 feet (less than 8 inches over the last six decades) can be expected to rise 4.5 feet by 2080 or so over the next six decades. The DRBC is learning the rate of sea level rise could increase by a factor of seven? Give us all a break! Here’s what highly respected climatologist Judith Curry says, according to this Washington Times piece:
In her latest paper, Ms. Curry found that the current rising sea levels are not abnormal, nor can they be pinned on human-caused climate change, arguing that the oceans have been on a “slow creep” for the last 150 years — before the post-1950 climb in carbon-dioxide emissions.
“There are numerous reasons to think that projections of 21st-century sea level rise from human-caused global warming are too high, and some of the worst-case scenarios strain credulity,” the 80-page report found.
Her Nov. 25 report, “Sea Level and Climate Change,” which has been submitted for publication, also found that sea levels were actually higher in some regions during the Holocene Climate Optimum — about 5,000 to 7,000 years ago.
“After several centuries of sea level decline following the Medieval Warm Period, sea levels began to rise in the mid-19th century,” the report concluded. “Rates of global mean sea level rise between 1920 and 1950 were comparable to recent rates. It is concluded that recent change is within the range of natural sea-level variability over the past several thousand years.”
Can we please stop with the hysterics and just start dealing in facts, such the contributions of natural gas to reducing CO2 emissions? As for the DRBC, no wonder it’s such a disaster itself.
The Dark Side of Blue/Green Sunrise Movement
One of our faithful readers passed along a story about the “Green New Deal” being pushed by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who seemingly hasn’t a clue about much of anything. The Atlantic has a story about how the new House of Representatives hopes to co-opt her idea and probably turn into a corporatist green energy scam with eventual trillions headed into the pockets of big-time Democrat donors with “clean energy” hedge-funds. Cortez is not mentioned, for obvious good reasons, but something called the “Sunrise Movement” is and they’re not happy:
“It’s a big disappointment,” says Stephen O’Hanlon, a spokesman for the Sunrise Movement, a Millennial-led organization that championed the Green New Deal plan. “The select committee on a Green New Deal was put together based on a hard look at what the science demands, and we were hopeful that Nancy Pelosi—who says she wants to take serious action on climate change—would be willing to come to the table for it.”
I’ve never heard of the “Sunrise Movement” and that’s always a sign that something is most likely an astroturfed enterprise of some sort. I did an internet search and easily found there was a web page. As soon as I went there I was slammed with a recurring donation request, which, of course, I declined. I was then asked for a one-time donation.This is no organic movement. It is, rather, one sleek money-raising propaganda machine designed to appeal to college students with mush for brains.
Having learned over the years the best way to determine what or who an organization really is, is to start to make a donation and see where it goes, I initiated one. That took me here, where I learned the “Sunrise Movement” is actually Act Blue Civics, a multimillion dollar leftist funding apparatus. As usual nothing is as it’s made to seem. It’s all a coordinated effort to set the stage for yet another raid on the public treasury and the wallets of ratepayers to support economic and environmental foolishness intended to line the pockets of the ruling class.
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The post Natural Gas NOW Picks of the Week – December 29, 2018 appeared first on Natural Gas Now.
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