Saturday, September 8, 2018

Natural Gas NOW Picks of the Week – September 8, 2018

Tom.jpg?resize=75%2C95Tom Shepstone
Shepstone Management Company, Inc.

Natural Gas NOW readers pass along a lot of stuff every week about natural gas, fractivist antics, emissions, renewables, and other news relating to energy. As usual, emphasis is added.

New York and New Jersey Getting CHP Projects? Say It Ain’t So!

I’m no fan of subsidies for anyone. Still, what’s really happening in New York and New Jersey as Governors Corruptocrat and Pander Bear demagogue all day long is deliciously ironic. They’ve advocated for green energy their constituents suppose is all solar or wind. Meanwhile, two combined heat and power (CHP) projects that use natural gas are being funded to do truly green and truly practical things.

CHP is essentially cogeneration, typically using “mostly gas-fired distributed generation technologies that produce electricity and thermal energy onsite.” The two regional projects to receive funds are:

GE Global Research – Niskayuna, NY
Siemens Corporation – Princeton, NJ

Don’t you love it?

New York Labor Unions Speak Truth on Power

A loyal reader and guest blogger found this neat website sponsored by none other the New York State Laborers’ Union , which is an affiliate of the Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA). Its called “Always On NY” and speaks some much needed truth about New York that Governor Corruptocrat ought to listening to:

As New York transitions into a clean energy state, we need a diverse mix of energy sources to sustain our state’s energy needs. An energy mix that includes natural gas and renewables will ensure reliability and affordability for the long term. Naural gas is a crucial part of the energy mix. It is always on.

Right now, renewable energy sources produce intermittent power, which means they don’t produce energy when the sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing. In addition to these roadblocks, renewables also don’t reliably generate energy through events like natural disasters or harsh winters. As a result, energy prices can skyrocket with demand and New Yorkers are forced to rely on dirty fuel, like coal and oil, to meet energy needs. Millions of New Yorkers experienced this spike in heating cost this past winter. Even worse, over 323,000 New Yorkers didn’t have heat while temperatures plummeted because of a lack of sustainable access to natural gas.


NY ISO estimates that coil/oil generation this January shot up 220% compared to last year. During the cold snap this year, NY used more dirty coal and oil to meet energy demands due to a lack of natural gas infrastructure and intermittent renewable resources.

New Yorkers will also face another energy challenge in 2021 when Indian Point Energy Center closes and the power it produces disappears. Indian Point produces about 25% of the downstate region’s energy and this power must be replaced. Natural gas partnered with renewables can fill this gap.

It’s clear that New York needs a fuel source that runs 24/7 and keeps costs low in the face of dirty coal/oil and intermittent renewables. That fuel source is natural gas.

Natural gas is a clean, reliable, and abundant energy source that will keep heating and energy costs low and keep the lights on when demand spikes.

We need our state and local elected officials to support natural gas as part of the energy mix to keep New York strong as we work towards a clean energy future.

The New York State Laborers’ Union represents over 40,000 members employed in the construction industry and other fields throughout the state. Its members are organized into more than 24 local unions and five district councils. Maybe Corruptocrat shouldn’t be taken them for granted? Check out their “Take Action” page and help them send  message to Andrew Cuomo.

Appalachia Shale Plays Drive U.S. Natural Gas Production Growth

“Today In Energy” shows the incredible miracle that is the Marcellus and Utica Shale plays (now jointly referred to by them as the Appalachian Basin):


Gross production of natural gas in the United States has generally been increasing for more than a decade and in recent months has been more than 10% higher compared with the same months in 2017. This growth has been driven by production in the Appalachian Basin in the Northeast, the Permian Basin in western Texas and New Mexico, and the Haynesville Shale in Texas and Louisiana. These three regions collectively accounted for less than 15% of total U.S. natural gas production as recently as in 2007, but now they account for nearly 50% of total production.

Production in these regions has increased in part because of new drilling and completion techniques, including longer well laterals that have increased well productivity

Growth in natural gas production in the Northeast has come mainly from the Marcellus and Utica shale plays in the Appalachian basin, which collectively accounted for about 29% of total production in July 2018. Recent infrastructure buildout in the region has allowed natural gas to move out of the region and has reduced the prevailing discount to the national benchmark price at Henry Hub and to regional prices.

Hallelujah! The last paragraph tells us exactly why the forces of fractivism are so focused on opposing Northeast pipelines, doesn’t it?

Barryville Protest Bombs

The Delaware Povertykeeper a/k/a Riverkeeper reported as part of its “Riverwatch” scam  that “activists place a “Defend the Delaware” banner on the Barryville Bridge in the Upper Delaware.” You can read more about it here, complete with a picture featuring Deputy Delaware Riverkeeper Tracy Carllucio (she who never smiles) and the bitter artist James Barth (who despises anyone not a Manhattanite at heart), but the video tells all.

Less than two dozen radicals gathered to to support a fracking ban and, in the process, demonstrated how little actual support there really is for one.

The post Natural Gas NOW Picks of the Week – September 8, 2018 appeared first on Natural Gas Now.

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